Sun, 25 February 2018
Preached at ICC on Feb. 25th. Today we look at the works of the flesh, and contrast them with the fruits produced by the Holy Spirit.
Direct download: Galatians_5--Fruits_of_the_Spirit_edited.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:54pm EST |
Sun, 18 February 2018
Preached at ICC on Feb 18th. Today we start chapter 5 of the Book of Galatians. Paul tells all who try to add works to the finished work of Christ on the cross, that they were severed from Christ, and had fallen from grace. Join us! |
Sat, 17 February 2018
Revelation 9:21 informs us that at the end of the age, people will refuse to give up psychotropic and pharmaceutical drugs. And the authorities here dish it out like candy in this evil country! This is the subject to today's 15 minute broadcast. |
Sun, 11 February 2018
Preached at ICC on Feb 11th. Today we continue our series through the Book of Galatians. Our focus is on the doctrine of baptism. Does baptism save a person? Find out the answer here today! |
Sat, 10 February 2018
We'are at the half-way point in the Book of Galatians. Here's a 14 minute sum up. God Bless! Paul E. |
Sun, 4 February 2018
Preached at ICC on Feb. 4th. Today we learn from the Apostle Paul that the Old Testament Law was only temporary, and had an exact purpose: "The law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, so that we might be justified by faith." |