Wed, 29 October 2014
Today on the WGOD Radio broadcast, we see the loosing of the 6th seal, and an earthquake. Also we look at this same event from the vantage point of Planet Earth, Matthew 24:29-31.
Sun, 26 October 2014
Preached at Island Community Church on Oct. 26th. Taken from Matthew 25. Each of us have been given some talent from the Lord Jesus Christ, and we have been commissioned to be about His work until He returns. How are you doing with your talents?
Sun, 26 October 2014
Today we continue in Rev 6, with some more thoughts on intolerance of spiritual things. Join us!
Direct download: The_age_old_problem_with_intolerance.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:30am EST |
Sat, 25 October 2014
Today on the WGOD Radio broadcast, we continue in Revelation chapter 6. At the opening of the 5th seal, we see the souls of some people who were killed because of: 1. Their Bibles 2. The testimony of their Savior. Some things never change! |
Mon, 20 October 2014
Preached at Island Community Church on Oct. 19th.
Sat, 18 October 2014
Today on the WGOD Radio weekend edition, we look at the upcoming 2 witnesses of Revelation chapter 11. Join us! |
Thu, 16 October 2014
Today on WGOD Radio, the Lord Jesus looses the 5th seal, and we see people in heaven who were killed for their testimony. Join us! |
Mon, 13 October 2014
I remember the name--was it a book, or a movie? "Death Rides a Horse." Today on WGOD Radio, we will see the literal fulfillment of that phrase. Join us! |
Sun, 12 October 2014
Preached at Island Community Church on Oct. 12th. Taken from Luke 17, Jesus tells us that as things were in the Days of Lot (Genesis 19), so it will be when He returns.
Sun, 12 October 2014
Today on the WGOD Radio broadcast, we are introduced to horse and rider number 3, who brings with him famine.
Sat, 11 October 2014
Today on WGOD Radio, our study takes us to horse and rider number 2, who brings war with him. Join us! |
Sat, 11 October 2014
Today on WGOD Radio, we continue our study in Revelation chapter 6, and look at the first rider. |
Fri, 10 October 2014
Welcome to WGOD Radio, weekend edition. Paul Esposito and Eric Marshall discuss world events and Bible prophecy.
Thu, 9 October 2014
Today we start chapter 6 of Revelation, and the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. Horse and Rider number 1: Conquest False Peace Covenant Peace |
Sat, 4 October 2014
Join Paul Esposito and Eric Marshall for WGOD Radio Weekend Edition |
Wed, 1 October 2014
What does God really think about your prayers? Join us today for WGOD Radio! |