WGOD Radio: All Truth, All the Time.
WGOD Radio, with Bible teacher and translator Dr. Paul W. Esposito. We teach the New Testament verse by verse through a daily, 30 minute radio broadcast and podcast. The sermons originate from Island Community Church, in Merritt Island, Florida (www.islandcommunitychurch.net)

Preached at Island Community Church on April 6th.

Paul says in Phil 4:17, "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit which is increasing to your account." You and I should be building up our "retirement" account every day! The Apostle Paul was building the account of those in Philippi.

Join us today for the Gospelstudy podcast, as we cover alot of material.

Direct download: Hows_your_ira_doing.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:07pm EST