It's beyond me--I am left scratching my head. (Also, check out the Scofield 1917 Study Bible, and read his erroneous notes introducing 2 Thessalonians)
Understanding this text is simple--the words have obvious, plain meanings to them.
"Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. "Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming."
My point of contention is this. The teaching that the person taken, is taken in judgment, and the person that is left behind, is left behind in blessing.
Now don't get me wrong. People may interpret this text this way if they choose to, but after looking at what the underlying Greek words mean, it leads me to a solid understanding.
But first, this note from Dr. Charles Ryrie: "The ones taken will be taken to judgment and death. The ones left will be left to enter the blessings of the Millennial kingdom."
Many others interpret this phrase the same way.
I want to look at this text, and see if I can find the "blessings" for those left behind, according to this theologian.
But let's look at these 2 Greek words behind this text, and see what they mean.
The word for taken is the word Paralambano. The word means "to receive near." Same word used by Christ, in John 14:3, "I will come again, and receive you unto Myself."
Paralambano is to receive to one's side.
The other word is Aphiemi. This word means:
1. To disregard
2. To abandon
3. To divorce
4. To leave behind
5. To forsake.
I believe that the word of God is saying, from seeking to understand the original language, that the person that is "taken," is a direct result of John 14:3, and Bible prophecy being fulfilled, as the Lord returns for His saints. Also, the one that is left, as the Greek word suggests, has been "left behind," and abandoned.
This is a great study! I highly recommend it!
God bless
Paul E.